Anisa Arif , the name behind the most tantalizing and amazing spice brand ‘Zaiqa The Spice Store’. Popularly known as the ‘Spice Queen’, Anisa shares her story with Spoon Fork And Food.
1. Tell us something about yourself?
Anisa : ” I’m an enthusiast and expert explorer of spices that are common and even rarest of the rare. Discovery is the spice within me, driving with passion to explore spices what they call ‘discrete’ and ‘secret’. It takes a taste that drives noses to dive deep in to the spicing cult. Hale from Bangalore, Literature Student moved to Chennai after marriage. Mother of 2 naughty brats aged 11 and 9, and yes still learning to do Multi-tasking !! Wonder how some Super Womens manage.”

2. How did Zaiqa happened to you ?
Anisa : ” My journey or passion for food started after my research to understand Mughal’s rich culinary heritage and search to understand Lizzat team a secret spice blend of the Nawabs. As a spice lover, tried many Indian and Imported ready made brands unfortunately over use caused a lot of health hazards and had to switch to something that is Chemical free, fresh and homemade. After all a ways to Man’s Heart is through the stomach, Hence the search and desire to understand spices- integral part of Indian Cuisine ! How Zaiqa Evolved – a simple post by a friend and some requests for samples. Well it was destined and Zaiqa became a craze overnight in Feb 2013.”

3. Who has been your inspirational source ?
Anisa : “Read numerous books, read notes from many acclaimed Masters in the field. Reached many from affluent Nawabs clan to understand their food and how Khansamas created secret spice blends. In fact I realized even the Nawab’s decenders & family knew little as Cooks maintain kitchen secrets to get special advantage from their Masters.”

4. Tell us something about your struggles and finally the recognition you achieved in this journey ?
Anisa : “Big Challenge was these men are not connected on Social Media neither I travel often to Delhi, Hyderabad or Lucknow. It was long learning process umpteen night calls, numerous night calls to understand the Mughlai Food. After Mar
riage, desired to cook the best for my man.”
5. If given a chance, would you step into food blogging ?
Anisa : ” Would love too, my friends inspire me a lot. As its said pictures speak their story, probably some day enhance my skills for the blogging world.”

6. Any tips/ suggestions you would like to pass on to all the aspiring females who wish to start up a business from home?
Anisa : ” Once you know your potential, all its requires good planning. I feel women is strong enough to handle many roles.”

7. Few words for Spoon Fork And Food ?
Anisa : ” Amazing…Awesome would be small word ! It’s a fantastic blog of recipe collection both Indian and Continental. It’s a Visual Treat to Foodies ! “
We thank Anisa Arif for sparing out some time from her busy schedule and sharing her story with us. It was a pleasure having you with us and we wish you all the success in life and good luck for all your future endeavors. Looking forward to see you on International platform. All the best!
Love : Shaheen
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