Millet Nutrition: Healing Therapy In The Kitchen

by Shaheen Ali

Millet Nutrition: Healing Therapy In The Kitchen :
When it comes to feeding your little one, you always look forward to choosing just the BEST. Your kid’s not-so-simple digestive system has unique demands and must be dealt with proper care. Moreover, it is not blessed with plenteous enzymes (unlike the digestive system of adults). If exposed to a poor diet, their digestive system weakens and results in numerous health complications. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to provide your kid with healthy food options including millet nutrition right from the very beginning.

Millets and Millet Nutrition

An assemblage of cereal crops that are cultivated as small-seeded grasses of various kinds and is better than rice and wheat in all the major nutritional aspects is known as millets. Also known as ‘God’s own grains’, they are majorly grown in semi-arid regions without the help of any harmful pesticides. Moreover, they have a short growing period (around 65 days) which makes them all the more viable.
Replete with a variety of minerals including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, tryptophan, phosphorus etc. and vitamin B complex along with antioxidants, millets act easy on your kid’s digestive system and do not produce acidic content when consumed. Moreover, they are gluten-free, non-allergic, have a low Glycemic index (GI) and are also preferred as the first food for babies.
From pearl millet (Bajara) to finger millet (Nachani), foxtail millet (Kangni) to Koda millet (Koden), multiple varieties of millets are available that can be included in your kid’s diet in a lot of healthy ways.

Millets: Healing Therapy In The Kitchen

If you are determined about starting your kid on millets, begin with simple millet recipes. You can also initiate millet nutrition for your kid by replacing rice with millets in dishes like payasam and khichdi. Since millets are rich in dietary fibre, they keep up your kid’s energy levels for a longer duration of time.
It is advisable to start with millet-based food at the earliest, so your kid can develop a natural taste and you don’t have to worry a lot! Introduce finger millet’s or foxtail millet’s health benefits to your kid in the form of dishes like upma, dalia, dosas etc. If it seems difficult for you to prepare everything we just suggested, you can simply grab a pack of millet dosa or millet pancake from Slurrp Farm and bid an easy farewell to all your apprehensions.

Health Advantages of Millets In Your Kid’s Diet

Before we stop singing ‘true’ praises of millets, let’s have one clear look at the health advantages of millets in your kid’s diet (yet again):
∙ Since millets are rich in proteins, they promote muscle growth in kids.
∙ Millets have carbohydrates but do not have starch, meaning they don’t have high sugar levels as compared to wheat and rice. This results in low GI which, in turn, decreases the risk of obesity in kids.
∙ Millets have high fibre content and as a result, constipation doesn’t pester your kid.
Moreover, not just children but everyone, regardless of their age, can relish the benefits of millets and lead a healthy life!

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Author: Ms.Aarushi Sethia (content writer)

Published by : Shaheen Ali | Spoon Fork And Food

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