Blue Lagoon by Karma Kettle – Product Review

by Shaheen Ali


Today i shall be sharing a word with you about an amazing tea brand I’ve tried up with recently, it’s the Karma Kettle . It has India’s largest selection of authentic, hand crafted, artisanal & fresh gourmet teas. According to them Tea is not just a power beverage but a culture, an emotion that every Indian connects to. 

Karma Kettle was started by the tea sommelier Priti and Dhiraj Arora. A Scottish tea-planter’s bungalow surrounded by three legendary grand crux Darjeeling tea estates gave the inspiration to them and that’s how Karma Kettle was born. I happy to collaborate with such a fine brand and starting with the first one i would like to introduce you all with their Winter Special Tea named Blue Lagoon.

Blue Lagoon is one of the popular tea that comes under their Iced Tea range. Made with Lemongrass leaves, Butterfly pea flower, Kaffir Lime, this tea definitely can be a show stopper in your summer pool parties. Blue Lagoon is one of their best selling blend- Blue Lagoon tea is packed with the citrus flavors & energizing aromas, it brews to a azure blue color making it the perfect summertime drink! Squeeze a hint of lemon and watch the color change to violet!

HEALTH BENEFITS (source : Karma Kettle)

Butterfly pea flower
  • Rich in antioxidants and anti- inflammatory properties
  • Butterfly pea flower is very good for people suffering from chronic fatigue as it improves vitality
  • This tea is amazing for diabetic patients as it helps regulate blood sugar levels
  • Good for Digestion
  • Relieves menstrual pain
Kaffir lime
  • Immunity boosting properties
  • Anti bacterial properties, improves digestion

Pair this colorful iced tea with your favorite pizza and enjoy the icy cool thirst quencher in the scorching heat. Ideal for kids, Blue Lagoon makes a great cold beverage option even for your kid’s birthday theme party. Hope you liked this amazing magical color changing tea by Karma Kettle.

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